Monthly Archives: August, 2012

Happy 1st Day of School Eve!

So that title may not make me the most popular person on-line tonight, but let me tell you, I am doing a little dance in celebration of the start of school.  Our kids start back tomorrow – one in 8th grade and one in 10th grade – and I have been waiting for this day since about the second day of summer break.  I like schedules and discipline and routine.  I am not a fan of laziness, constant bickering, kids staying up all night and wanting to sleep all day and, in general, not having a routine!!

Especially now that Shane and I are both working from home, full-time, and focused on our home-based businesses.  When your home is your office, summertime becomes ‘take your kid to work day’ every day….and that is not conducive to getting a lot of work done some days.  Not when your kids need to come to the kitchen every 30 minutes, prefer to watch the ‘big’ TV in the loving room and somehow seem to have a question every 10 minutes.  And eat, man have we gone through some food this summer!  Anyone else out there have a teenage boy in the house?  Well, then you can relate.  We can finish dinner at 6:30pm, and our son will be in the pantry by 7pm looking for ‘something’.  At least we’ll have a few hours of quiet and food-feenzy-free hours now that school is back in.

I will finally find comfort in the family calendar being used and not staring at me blankly with the constant reminder there is nothing scheduled or planned.  Summer is too spontaneous, too un-disciplined, without enough routine.  I need a calendar greeting me each morning and reminding me of practices, games, tests, due dates and party times.  I need chores to be done by 9pm, not midnight.  I need the kids having quiet reading and study time – not unlimited TV and computer time.  My OCD will now be contented watching the daily tasks and plans come and go with a feeling of system and accomplishment.

Oh, schools in for fall!  Let my inner mommy rejoice – and don’t tell my kids I’m this happy to see tomorrow come!

Day 1 of Our New Life

I am considering today, August 8, 2012, day 1 of our new life.  Today is the first day I (Dana) am a full-time, work from home, small business owner.  I have quit my ‘real’ job and decided to focus full-time on our business ventures.  Shane and I are now working together, and living together, and sleeping together (LOL), all in the same house, all day long.  (insert long pause here!)

But seriously I am excited and scared to death all at the same time.  Being a small business owner, with THAT business as your only income, means you don’t have a regular paycheck to rely on.  You don’t have sick leave or vacation days.  No one gives you a day off.  But with that risk, we hope and believe, will come great reward.  We get to write our own future; show our kids how to be successful and self-reliant; prove that we have what it takes; schedule our days to fulfill our own personal mission, not someone else’s; and with a little luck and a whole lot of hard work,  replace our regularly scheduled income with new income, that was earned with our own initiative.

I hope you’ll all be around to enjoy the ride with us.  I am sure we will have a few bumps in the road, but for now we are looking forward to new ideas, exciting changes and a passion to be successful.  Be sure to subscribe, like us on Facebook and join our mailing list.  I think you’ll like what’s to come!

For those who are new to us, our primary business is a jewelry and apparel on-line boutique, offering handmade photo jewelry, fashion jewelry and accessories and custom-design tee shirts reflecting life in the South.  (We are launching the new website soon so stay tuned for details.)  Our secondary business is a direct sales venture we just started (last week!) with Pink Zebra Home, a home fragrance company.  We are thrilled with the products and the management plan and are just starting to get our toes in the water with PZ.  We are optimistic to grow with this new company!

Day 1 has been exciting……scary…….a bit overwhelming……but overall wonderful!

Have a PURDY night, y’all!  xo, Dana